
Task Management (Gözde)

Zeops Task Management Module allows you to create as many projects and tasks as you wish and assign staff members to the respective tasks. You can set time limits for the tasks and report open, overdue, pending or closed tasks. If you wish, you can add steps to the tasks you have assigned and you can follow at which stage the task is in a more detail.
Task Management 1

Task Management 2
Your employees can create their own work plans and tasks. The created work plan can be monitored by the manager. While the process is running, the files can be uploaded, comments can be posted on the tasks or new employees can be added to the same task by the manager or staff members. The employee can e-mail the work plan of the desired period to his/her manager via the system.

You can monitor all task assignments and processes via automatic e-mail notifications and keep the whole process completely under control. In the task history, you can report both on the assigned staff member and on the project.
Task Management 3

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